Disclaimer:  Altiplanobowlers.com is an independent mecca of information and/or personal enjoyment.  Its primary purpose is to entertain although its usage may unintentionally lead to spiritual revelations, enlightenment and conceivably renewed health.  This website is in no way endorsed nor authorized by any reputable organization including but not limited to:  the DEA, the United States Peace Corps, the Bolivian government, the United States government, Howard Lyon, the PBA, the WPBA, the IPBA, Estrike, Bowl America, Bowl America Burke, Palm Lanes, AlleyKatz  or ESPN.  We would like to thank the following people who may or may not have made this website possible, including but not limited to:  Jimmy Knowles, Eminem, Snoop, Andy Kampen's Mom, Liz Rossel, Max Borella, JJ Singh, Howard Lyon, Bruce Springsteen, Billy Dee Williams and Paul Ruebens.  Any questions or comments, please send them to the ombudsman.